The BBC’s planned 4 hour news feature on the life and death of Nelson Mandela has been rescheduled for a later date, to be replaced by a 5 hour news feature entitled ‘Nelson Nearly Visited Our Pub Once’. A look back at the very many British notables who were once in the same postcode and nearly saw the back of the head of the late world leader.

Diane Abbott (arrow in head), having walked 17 miles to purely coincidentally bump into Madiba,  tries to accidentally get into the same frame as the Great Statesman. Outside Tooting Village Hall, 1994
Diane Abbott MP (arrow in head), having walked 17 miles to, purely coincidentally, bump into Madiba, tries to accidentally get into the same frame as the Great Statesman. Outside Tooting Village Hall, 1994

Lionel Blair, Joe Swish, international Jazz/Pop Combo sensations JLS —interrupting their sell-out Retirement Tour (tickets at all prices)— Lord Vaz of East Leicester, Dame Christopher Biggins and many many less explain what it was like to be photographed just 7 people away from the great man, during his memorable visit to East Penge Chutney Market, and on his many other visits to this country. (Other Bandwagons are available).

(Live uninterrupted coverage of the Demise of English Cricket continues on Radio 5 Dead)

3 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS. AGAIN.

  1. It wasn’t Penge, it was Plumstead. I know. I was there … well, when i say ‘there’ i was 4 streets away, on a bus, the day before. Can I claim my free Mitchell Johnson t-shirt now please ?

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